Corporate Office

522 E. Vermont Ave Anaheim CA 92805

24 hour service

Ca Lic# 940053

(562) 692-7835
(562) 692-7835


Retrofitting Solutions

The refrigeration market is moving towards more environmentally sustainable refrigerants with zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and low global warming potential (GWP) If you have an old refrigeration system that is constantly needing repair’s Delta’s engineering wire can schedule a site visit to begin the conceptual stages for a retrofit design.
The previous generation of refrigeration technology has a high GWP and ozone depletion potential that has led to the recent changes in laws and regulations that have limited the use of Environmental adverse refrigerants. Delta Refrigeration can find a retrofit refrigerant that best fits your facility.
One of the main downside to retrofitting industrial or commercial facilities is that in most times than more it compromises the system efficiency and performance since the original design was engineered for a different refrigerant.
Some retrofit alternatives do not deliver the performance or safety of refrigerants on the “phase out” list and others may require extensive changes to existing equipment. Delta Refrigeration’s engineering team will ensure that the retrofit options best fits your current refrigerants thermodynamic properties.

Leaders in Refrigeration Installation & HVAC

Let our team design and build your cold storage.


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